Date |
Location |
Common Name |
Scientific Name |
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2001-05-05 | Coyote Wall - Columbia River Gorge, Washington | Lizard, Southern Alligator | Gerrhonotus multicarninatus | | |
2001-08-11 | Clear Lake Ridge Preserve, Oregon | Woodrat, Bushy-tailed | Neotoma cinerea | | |
2001-08-25 | Clear Lake Ridge Preserve, Oregon | Deer, Blacktail | Odocoileus hemionus | | |
2002-09-18 | Steens Mountain, Oregon | Pronghorn | Antilocapra americana | | |
2002-11-08 | Santiam Wagon Road - Sweet Home Ranger District, Willamette National Forest | Salamander, Pacific Giant | Dicamptodon ensatus | | |
2003-02-05 | Catherine Creek, Columbia River Gorge | Tick | | | |
2003-03-01 | William L Finley National Wildlife Refuge, Oregon | Newt, Rough-skinned | Taricha granulosa | | |
2003-04-27 | Klickitat Trail, Washington | Rattlesnake, Northern Pacific | Crotalus viridis oreganus | | |
2003-05-09 | Catherine Creek - Columbia River Gorge, Washington | Butterfly, Indra Swallowtail | Papilio indra | | |
2003-05-09 | Catherine Creek - Columbia River Gorge, Washington | Lizard, Sagebrush | Sceloporus graciosus | | |
2003-05-10 | male - Klickitat Trail, Washington | Hummingbird, Calliope | Stellula calliope | | |
2003-05-24 | Headwaters of the Metolius River, Oregon | Squirrel, Golden-mantled Ground | Spermophilus lateralis | | |
2003-06-30 | Little Blitzen Gorge,- Steens Mountain, Oregon | Butterfly, Common Buckeye | Junonia coenia | | |
2003-07-04 | Big Indian Canyon - Steens Mountain, Oregon | Butterfly, Old World Swallowtail | Papilio machaon | | |
2003-11-15 | Oregon State Capitol | Squirrel, Eastern Gray | Sciurus carolinensis | | |
2004-01-29 | Swampy Lakes Shelter, Deschutes National Forest | Jay, Canada | Perisoreus canadenis | | |
2004-03-12 | Lower Deschutes River Trail, Oregon | Bushtit | Psaltriparus minimus | | |
2004-04-18 | Ankeny National Wildlife Refuge, Oregon | Snake, Red-spotted Garter | Thamnophis sirtalis | | |
2004-05-20 | Baskett Slough National Wildlife Refuge | Butterfly, Fender's Blue | Icaricia icarioides fenderi | | |
2004-05-28 | Upper Klamath Lake, Oregon | Crane, Sandhill | Grus canadensis | | |