& Trails
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Date:  July 13, 2009

Location  Swordfern Trail Hike & more

Where:  Cottage Grove District, Umpqua National Forest


 The idea for this trip was to combine three short hiking trails to fill in an afternoon of hiking in the Cottage Grove area. Joining us for these hikes were Eddie & Jeannie Harrod, and Michael & Melissa Garguilo & and their new puppy Jessie. We stopped first at the Rajada Campground where we hiked the Swordfern Trail. The trail does have a lot of Swordfern as well as several other ferns and made a two-mile loop back to the campground.

Swordfern Trail

Next we drove on to the second trail of the day, Spirit Falls Trail. Here this short trail of less than a half a mile makes a pleasant descent to the base of scenic Spirit Falls. Of course it was a hike up to get back to the car.

Spirit Falls

Our third trail for the day was Moon Falls Trail; some three miles on up the road from Spirit Falls. This trail takes an almost flat route of a half of a mile to spectacular Moon Falls.

a successful day of hiking

check out the additional photos below and look closely for a person in each photo.

Spirit Falls
Moon Falls