Fill this form out best you can...Michael will receive an email when you submit and will check your entry for problems.

If you make too many mistakes, click "Clear Form" to start over.

* indicates required fields

Your last name and email will not be displayed on the website, they are for Michael's use only -- to clearly identify you, the person posting the recipe, and to email you if there are any problems.

* Your First Name:

Your Last Name: (will not be displayed on the website)

Your email address: (will not be displayed on the website)

Name/Title of recipe:

Who you inherited this recipe from, if you made it up, put your own name!

   Category: If the category you want is not here...

   Category #2:
...enter it here. **OR** enter a second category here.

Leave it blank if you're not sure.

Serves: -- this website will not do any fancy "conversions" for number of servings.

Ingredients: List all the ingredients and the amounts.

*Recipe instructions: guessed it!

Variations, substitutions, special tricks?

If you have one, make sure it's not larger than 100MB

Tell us the story behind the recipe...who you got it from, who they are, why it is special to you, etc.

Historical Photo: Maybe the person who you got the recipe from...
Caption for Historical Photo: