Saturday, January 24th 2004


our somalier says...

“There is a mystique about things Magyar, a forbidden city of the soul that remains forever closed to outsiders.  Fierce and proud, the Hungarians have convinced the world that their culture is as impregnable as their language.  Perhaps, but not when it comes to Hungarian cuisine.

                                                                                         Susan Derecskey, “The Hungarian Cookbook”


During the time my son was born I worked at an amazing Hungarian restaurant in Albany, "Novak’s Hungarian Paprikas".  The Novak’s  immigrated from Hungary in the 1940’s and Matilda’s cooking is as good as it Goulash, sauerkraut with sausage, meats in sour cream sauces, buttery dumplings, sinful desserts - get ready to eat! 

                                                                                                                Michael L. Scott




Káposztás Gombóc ~ Cabbage Dumplings

Guylás Leves ~ Goulash, traditional hungarian beef stew

Cékla Salata ~ Pickled Beets

 Csirke Paprikás ~ Chicken Paprika with Galska ~ dumplings

Uborka Saláta ~ Cucumber Salad

Megy Leves ~ Cold Cherry Soup a la Budapest

Töltött Káposzta ~ Stuffed Cabbage

Kolozsvári Rakott Káposzta ~ Transylvanian Baked Sauerkraut


Rétes  Mákos ~ Poppyseed Struedel

Rétes  Diós ~ Walnut Struedel

Dobos Torte ~ three-layer cake with chocolate cream and caramel top

This dinner was a tremendous success thanks again to the participation of everyone!

Plates were filled...

and just as quickly emptied...

From Goulash... Cabbage Rolls...

...Cold Sour Cherry Soup and Chicken Paprika...

...and the most requested recipe: Transylvanian Sauerkraut

Of course, none of this would have been possible without a great deal of preparation...

...nice table settings...

and plenty of dishes!

Oh! I almost forgot to mention dessert!

A good time was had by all.