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Date:  June 11, 2006

Location  Table Rock Hike

Where:  Table Rock Wilderness


 This Chemeketan hike to Table Rock was one I couldn't resist. I had last been to Table Rock on an overnight backpack with Kim and Paula Hyatt in June of 1987. On that trip the summit was completely socked in, and it rained all night, so I never got to experience the view.

Dave Carter led this year's June hike of 12 enthusiastic Chemeketan hikers through forest trail, across a rocky slope, and switch backs to the summit. Our route back, involved a detour down a side ridge to make a loop to a shuttled car.

From the summit we enjoyed the view of the Mt Hood, Mt Jefferson, Three Fingered Jack, Mt Washington, and the Three Sisters, and spent some time picking out the lesser peaks of Battle Ax, Henline, and Ollalie Butte.

Statistics for the day where: 1630 ft of accumulative climb, 1990 ft of accumulative descent, and 4:36 hiking time.

Clackamas Iris
Fawn Lily by Rick Cooper