Date: June 9, 2001 |
Location Devil's Gulch Hike |
Where: Clear Lake Ridge |
---'We have come to The Nature Conservancy's Clear Lake Ridge Preserve for a weekend work party. We met at Jerry's Market in Joseph at 9:00 and then drove to the mouth of Devil's Gulch, leaving cars for the return trip. Then we drove up Rail Canyon Road to the upper prairie. Unbelievable country, with green rolling hills as far as the eye can see. It's a very rough road, and goes on forever!"
dropping down into Devil's Gulch ---"At the junction to the cabin we leave our car and group up. Then drop off the rim into the canyon of Devil's Gulch. Spectacular views of the Canyon. At an abandoned shack we stop for lunch. Abandoned buildings are all over this region---epitaphs to 160-acre homesteads that were parceled out and never made it. Ray Guse says Wallowa County has half the population it once had."
Jeanette removing a Scotch Thistle ---"On the canyon bottom we look for and root out Knapweed. It is now scarce thanks to yearly efforts by volunteer work parties. Further down we pull out Scotch Thistle. We are now hot & tired and still must trudge out the rest of the way to the cars waiting at the bottom, then the long shuttle back to the top. We collect our car at the junction and bump down the road for our first view of our cabin. How cute, nestled in a gulch among huge willow trees."
The Nature Consevancy's caretaker's cabin in Ratt Gulch |