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Title:Golden and Silver Falls
Area:Coos County
Links:Golden & Silver Falls State Natural Area, Trip Journal - 4/12/08
Notes:These two spectacular 200 foot falls are buried deep in the Coast Range, East of Coos Bay. Graham Wood describes hiking there in the following:
There are 3 distinct (and well-maintained) trails leaving from the parking lot/picnic area to the 2 separate falls: easy (muddy in a couple of places) and short trails lead to the base of each waterfall (15 minute round-trip in each case). The third trail, which is somewhat confusingly signposted, leads you to the top of Golden Falls via the base of Silver Falls (on the other side from the 1st trail). This is a reasonably easy climb and takes about 1 hour round trip.(Warning - if you have a fear of heights/edges, this one might feel a bit precipitous when you get to the head of the falls). In all cases, the trails lead you through old-growth douglas-fir, with myrtle, flowering currant etc.
Route:From Coos Bay, head south on 101, turning east at the sign to Allegany. The falls are approximately 24 miles northeast of Coos Bay.
USGS_75:Golden Falls
Reference:100 Hikes Oregon Coast & Coast Range by Sullivan / 50 Hikes in Oregon's Coast Range & Siskiyous by Ostertag

Golden Falls - April 1, 2008- - - photo by Graham Wood

Silver Falls - April 1, 2008 - - - photo by Graham Wood

Trail Sign
