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Date:  December 2, 2011

Location  Birding at Bidwell

Where:  Bidwell Park - Chico, California


 One of the outstanding features of Chico California is the large 3,618 acre Bidwell City Park. While visiting Jeanette's son Tony and his wife Maggie we took a two hour walk through the lower part of the park.

The fall colors were magnificent and we saw a lot of bird life along the path next to the stream. Most numerous were Yellow-rumped Warblers followed by Ruby-crowned Kinglets. Most photographical were the Acorn Woodpeckers.

I assumed I was taking several photos of the same Acorn Woodpecker on this tree as it flew to and from the tree. It wasn't until I was editing the photos that I discovered I had a male and a female. The male has the solid red crown, the females red crown is broken with a black band. These photos were taken one minute apart on the same tree.