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Date:  March 21, 2010

Location  Hiking/Birding with Ron & Bev

Where:  Catalina State Park, Arizona


Jeanette, Bev, & Ron with a nice display of poppies

As a part of our touring of some Arizona State Parks, we are spending a few days camping at Catalina State Park near Tucson. Our friends Ron and Bev Noble, who are spending part of their winter in Tucson, came out for a visit and we did some hiking and birding. Actually the focus of the day became demonstrating our iPod iTouches. We started out showing them the iTouches and MiFi and talking about apps and e-mailing. Then we put on our hiking boots and went for a short hike in the park. We noticed a wildflower that none of us recognized, so we used the "Audubon Wildflowers Guide" in my iTouch to identify, and came up with Cream Cups. We saw a number of birds, Gila Woodpeckers, White-crowned Sparrows, Northern Mockingbird, American Goldfinch, Lesser Goldfinch, Vermilion Flycatcher(both males and females), Northern Cardinal, and a female Ruby Crowned Kinglet, which we used the "Sibley's e-Guide to Birds" in my iTouch to identify. We had the most interaction with a male Northern Cardinal. We showed Ron how to use the "Sibley's e-Guide to Birds" in my iTouch to play birdcalls. He was able to use it to hold the attention of the Northern Cardinal for some time, and everyone got a good a good look. We concluded with lunch at our picnic table.

Ron playing birdcalls for a Northern Cardinal with my iTouch