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Date:  January 20, 2009

Location  Gower Gulch Loop Hike

Where:  Death Valley National Park


 We have been camping here in Death Valley in our motor home at Furnace Creek Campground with friends Dan & Charlene Lawry. Dan drove us all in his pick-up to the Golden Canyon Trailhead, where we began our hike by hiking up the Golden Canyon Trail.

Golden Canyon Trailhead

At the one mile point, the offical Golden Canyon Trail ends, and we took the option of Gower Gulch to be able to make a four mile loop back to the parking lot. This route took us up around the shoulder of Manly Beacon and then down into Gower Gulch.

Manly Beacon

Gower Gulch is basically a dry river bed, probably a real torent during heavy rain. There were lots of old minning tunnels. At the mouth of the gulch we were emptied out on to the floor of Death Valley, and the trail then took us back to the parking lot.

Gower Gulch

Statistics for the day:
Distance - 4 miles
Acumalitive Climb - 780 feet
Time - 3 hours

Golden Canyon
old mine