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Date:  Febraury 3, 2008

Location  Cactus Forest Hike

Where:  Saguaro National Park


 Friends Ron and Bev Noble from Salem arrived yesterday and setup just across the street from us. Ron recommended a hike in the Saguaro National Park called the Cactus Forest Trail, and with the weather forecast calling for clouds with possible afternoon showers, we planned a morning hike.

We parked at the Cactus Forest North Trailhead and hiked the trail to the South Trailhead and back. The huge number and variety of cactus along this trail made for an interesting hike, plus we were able to see and photograph an Antelope Jackrabbit.

With the park being a short 8 miles from our RV park we were able to get in a morning hike and still be home for lunch.

admiring a Fishhook Barrel Cactus

a tall Saguaro Cactus

on the Cactus Forest Trail

Statistics for the day:
Distance: 5.2 miles
Accumalative climb: 339 feet
Time: 2:20 hours