& Trails
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Date:  May 12, 2004

Location  Upper Metolius Backpack - Day 2

Where:  Deschutes National Forest


breakfast in camp

The morning dawns gray and cool and we wait for the feeble rays of sunshine to find their way through the trees. After a leisurely breakfast with time to dry out the tent flys, we pack up and head down the trail to Bridge 99, stopping along the way to enjoy the sights and photograph the many wildflowers.

a morning on the trail

Crossing the bridge we take a break at Lower Bride Campground and then wander through the park like setting for the next couple of miles before stopping at a favorite campsite of ours for lunch. After lunch we decide to make camp there, and during the afternoon we have a small amount of rain, which we easily manage to take cover from or ignore. Late afternoon is taken up with a hike and in the evening we enjoy the warmth of a campfire.

a rainy afternoon

Arrowleaf Balsamroot
Heartleaf Arnica