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Date:  September 3-4, 1994

Location  Jeff Park Backpack

Where:  Mt Jefferson Wilderness


Jeanette and Kathy at the trailhead

This was a Chemeketan Backpack led by Kathy Howells. The first rain of the summer had blown in on Friday night with the projection of clearing on Sunday. So, we set off Saturday morning in the rain---staying warm while hiking, but stopping brought chills. Kathy began suffering from abdominal pains to the point of nausea, which resulted in a slow pace. By the time we got to Bays Lake I was concerned about hypothermia setting in with Jeanette. We immediately set up camp, and I got Jeanette in a sleeping bag. I fired up the stove and made hot chocolate, pea soup, and Chili Mac Dinner. By 4:45 we are all in the bags for a stormy night of wind and rain.

cammpsite at Bays Lake

The next morning broke clear and cloudless, but Kathy feels she needs to get back. So, after a morning of drying out tents and raingear, we have lunch and hike out.

Jeanette in the morning with Mt Jeffereson in the background