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Date:  April 4, 2002

Location  Three Bench Loop Hike

Where:  Columbia River Gorge National Scenic Area


 Three Benches is located on the Washington side of the Columbia River Gorge, just east of the small town of Lyle, and directly across Washington State Highway 14 from the well know windsurfing park, Doug's Beach. MAP It's a great area for early season hiking due to the low elevation and its location on the east end of the Gorge. The idea for this hike came from Paul Slichter's great website, where detailed directions can be found by clicking here. This is a rugged area, so just a word of caution.

start of the trail

White blossums of the Rusty Popcorn Flower carpet the hillsides.

one of the benches

view up the Columbia
view down the Columbia