Seattle Cheese Festival
May 14-15, 2005

Okay, I admit that these photos contain hardly a single wheel of actual cheese.
Well, it was a great trip, and after all (despite what I may profess)
it's about the people you meet and the pretty flowers you see along the way...

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Karen Evans of
Rollingstone Chevre
bad photo...
great lady!

the gals from
HooDoo Valley

the throngs
Marisa from
Three Sisters

Francois from
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from Jaquin
Herve Mons!
whole foods
meat case
(undercover photo)
wf very expensive
cheese ripening room
les hommes
du fromages
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Bill & Pat
from Bravo
fresh shrimp flower lady flowers and more
still more... spoonman artislittle veggies wwmic &
his robin
  seattle skyline   

cheese home
wwmic's home