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Flower:St. John's Wort, Common
Family:St. John's Wort
Genus / Species:Hypericum perforatum
Notes:Although its yellow blossoms look pretty along the roadside in mid summer, this European import is actually a mean weed. To quote 'Northwest Weeds'---'St. John's-wort is on of the most aggressive and noxious weeds in the Northwest'. The species name refers to the purplish dots that appear to perforate the leaves and flowers. It is also known as Klamath Weed.

Iron Mountain, Willamette National Forest - - - August 2, 2002

Guide:Wildflowers of the Western Cascades by Ross & Chambers / Northwest Weeds by Taylor / Common Plant of the Inland Pacific Northwest by Johnson / Plants of the Pacific Northwest Coast by Pojar & MacKinnon / Pacfic States Wildflowrs by Niehaus & Ripper