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Flower:Lily, Tolmie's Mariposa
Genus / Species:Calochortus tolmiei
Notes:Most commonly known as Cat's Ears or Pussy Ears, this species of Calochortus was named after Dr William Frazer Tolmie, a physician with the Hudson Bay Company. This is the lowland species, and is distinct in that the entire petal surfaces are hairy, compared to C. elegans, which lacks hair on the edges of the pedals.

Corvallis - - - June 2, 2002

Photo 2:

Beazell Memorial Forest - - - May 13, 2005

Guide:Pacific States Wildflowers by Niehaus & Ripper / Cascade-Ollympic Natural History by Daniel Mathews / Wayside Wildflowers of the Pacific Northwest by Strickler