Common Name: | Wren, Bewick's | Scientific Name: | Thryomanes bewickii | Family: | Troglodytidae | Area: | Minto-Browns Island Park - Salem, Oregon | Date: | February 13, 2014 | 
Bewick's Wren is larger than the similar Marsh Wren and has a bolder white eyebrow. It was named by James Audubon to honor the famous English wood engraver Thomas Bewick. | 
Row River Nature Park - Cottage Grove, Oregon - - - January 25, 2012 | 
E.E. Wilson Wildlife Area - Corvallis, Oregon - - - April 17, 2012 | Reference: | Birds of the Willamette Valley Region by Nehls, Aversa, & Opperman / National Geographic Field Guide to the Birds of North America |