Painted Turtle. The Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife lists both of these turtles on their Sensitive Species List, which means they are facing threats to their populations and/or habitats. Another turtle, the Red-Eared Slider, is a non-native species that has a yellow stripe down the neck and a red patch behind the eye. For more information - Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife,Row River Nature Park - Cottage Grove, Oregon - - - - July 7, 2011,'>
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Common Name:Turtle, Western Pond
Scientific Name:Clemmys marmorata
Family:Emydidae (Box & Water Turtles)
Area:Elk Creek - Elkton, Oregon
Date:June 26, 2011

Western Pond Turtle is one of only two native species of turtles to be found in the Northwest. The other turtle is the more colorful Painted Turtle. The Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife lists both of these turtles on their Sensitive Species List, which means they are facing threats to their populations and/or habitats. Another turtle, the Red-Eared Slider, is a non-native species that has a yellow stripe down the neck and a red patch behind the eye. For more information - Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife

Row River Nature Park - Cottage Grove, Oregon - - - - July 7, 2011

Reference:Western Reptiles and Amphibians by Stebbins / Plants and Animals of the Pacific Northwest by Kozloff