Common Name: | Waxwing, Cedar | Scientific Name: | Bombycilla cedrorum | Family: | Bombycillidae | Area: | Elkton, Oregon | Date: | May 21, 2013 | 
A pronounced crest and a black eye mask are a couple of things that first clue you in to a Cedar Waxwing. If you look closer you will see where the name comes from with the red tips on the wings that give the appearance of having been dipped in sealing wax. A year around resident of Oregon, they normally travel in flocks harvesting fruit. The photo below is of a juvenile, who's breast plumage resembles more of a flycatcher. | 
Beaver Creek State Natural Area - - - August 24, 2013 | Reference: | National Geographic Field Guide to the Birds of North America / The Birds of Bidwell Park by Lederer / Birds of Oregon by Burrows & Gilligan / The Sibley Field Guide to the Birds of Western North America by Sibley |