Title: | Natural Rock Arch | Area: | Santiam State Forest | Elevation: | 3400 Feet | Elevation_Gain: | -460 | Links: | Natural Rock Arch & Rocky Top Lookout brochure Trip Journal - 11/7/09 | Notes: | A short steep trail leads down to this impressive natural rock arch. This is a good destination to combine with the Rocky Top Lookout site (just up the road a couple of miles) for a day of hiking. | Route: | From Salem, head East on Hwy 22 for appoximately 36 miles, turn left on Niagara Rd. for 6.6 miles to trailhead on your right. | TH_elevation: | 3860 | Distance: | 0.5 | USGS_75: | Elkhorn |
Natural Rock Arch - - - - - - November 7, 2004 | Type: | Trail | Day_Hike: | yes | Scenic: | yes |