Title: | Tahkenitch Lake | Area: | Oregon Dunes National Recreation Area | Size: | 1674 Acres | Depth: | 23 Feet | Elevation: | 11 Feet | Misc: | Tahkenitch Lake contains largemouth bass, bluegill, yellow erch, black crappie, brown bullhead, & warmouth. | Links: | Tahkenitch Area Tahkenitch Landing Campground Siuslaw National Forst - Lake Fishing | Notes: | This is a much larger lake than the photo, taken at Tahkenitch Landing Campground, would suggest. Primarily managed as a warm-water fishery, Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife does not stock it with trout. There are no hiking trails at Tahkenitch Lake its self, but just accross Hwy 101 and slightly south is the Tahkenitch Day Use Area which contains the trailhead for the Tahkenitch Dunes Trail, and the Three Mile Lake Trail. | Route: | From Florence, drive 13 miles south, or from Reedsport drive 8 miles north | USGS_15: | Siltcoos Lake | USGS_75: | Tahkenitch Creek | Reference: | Atlas of Oregon Lakes / Fishing in Oregon by Sheehan |
Tahkenitch Landing, Tahkenitch Lake - - - May 12, 2006 |
Tahkenitch Landing, Tahkenitch Lake - - - April 11, 2013 |
camping site - Tahkenitch Landing Campground - - - April 11, 2013 | Type: | Lake | Camping: | yes | Fishing: | yes |