Title: | Averill Lake |
Area: | Olallie Scenic Area |
Size: | 12 Acres |
Depth: | 11 Feet |
Elevation: | 4650 Feet |
Elevation_Gain: | 1050 |
Snow_Free: | Jun 11 |
Camp_Sites: | 4 |
Trail: | Red Lake Trail |
Misc: | Last stocked in 2001 with brook trout |
Difficulty: | backpack |
Notes: | Averill Lake is named for Ed Averill, State Fish Protector for many years in the 1920s. Of the lakes along the Red Lake Trail, this one, due to a lot of flat area, as the largest amount of campsite space. |
Synopsis: | just wondering where this would show up |
Trail_Number: | 719 |
Route: | from Detroit take Breitenbush Rd #46 to rd #380 |
TH_Access: | May 07 |
TH_elevation: | 3600 |
Alt_trail: | Fish Lk Tr#717 from Lower Lake Camp Ground 3.0 mi -110 ft |
Distance: | 2 |
Features: | solitude |
USGS_15: | Breitenbush |
USGS_75: | Olallie Butte |
Reference: | Fishing in Oregon/ Lakes of Oregon #5/ Olallie Scenic Area Guidebook/ 62 Hiking Trails-North Oregon Cascades/ 100 Hikes Northwest Oregon/ Oregon Geographic Names |
Averil Lake in it's fall colors with Olallie Butte in the distance |
A campsite at Averil Lake |
Type: | Lake |
Backpack: | yes |
Fishing: | yes |
Solitude: | yes |