Title: | Bruno Lake, Upper | Area: | Willamette National Forest | Size: | 1 Acre | Depth: | 10 Feet | Elevation: | 2800 Feet | Elevation_Gain: | -50 | Snow_Free: | Apr 10 | Trail: | path from old road | Misc: | spur road and trail are flaged with orange tape | Route: | From Salem take Highway 22 east to #2242 Bruno Mt Rd @ MP 59 / #805 to spur to right | TH_Access: | Apr 26 | TH_elevation: | 2850 | Distance: | 0.1 | Features: | fishing | USGS_15: | Mt Jefferson | USGS_75: | Mt Bruno | Reference: | Complete Angle's Guide to Oregon by Shewey | Type: | Lake | Fishing: | yes |